Travel Talkers Toastmasters — Travel Advice

Where do you go for travel advice? Do you have favorite websites, travel books or trusted advisors? At our November 2nd meeting we shared our best sources of travel advice. We also offered each other some of our advice on the best sites to check for hotel and restaurant reviews before you book your trip. Our Travel Topics Master, Helen Josephine, asked the questions and our guests and members shared their experiences. Kit Myers reminded us to include “comfort” items in our carry-on bag including, extra socks, perfume, hard candy or gum, and other treats to make a long flight more comfortable.

Our Destination Master, Raji Bandanapudi, gave us these clues for the mystery destination.

  • This is an island country in the African continent.
  • This country is home to 103 species and subspecies of Lemurs.
  • The capital of this country is Antananarivo.
  • First settlers were of Malayo-Indonesian descent from Indonesia Sumatra and Java, not from Africa.
  • The island is home to two-thirds of all species of Chameleons existing  on Earth.
  • A phrase heard often in this country is Mora-Mora, which means “Take it easy.”
  • This country has a Hollywood namesake, however the movie presented some misinformation about the country.

If you guessed Madagascar, you are correct!

The speaker at our meeting, Samantha Jamwal, delivered a level four speech about building a social media presence. Samantha is on a journey to learn Hindi so her future children will be able to speak Hindi and connect with their cultural heritage. As part of this journey, Samantha began labeling common items in her house and kitchen to learn the name in Hindi and be able to use the words in conversation with her husband. She thought others might also want to use this language learning technique, so she developed colorful stickers, labels and magnets that others could use in their homes. She sells these items on a website she created, She also has an Instagram account as an additional social media platform to market her culturally inspired home decor items. Samantha shared her research and advice about how to effectively use different social media platforms. She also included pictures of some of the items that she sells on her website. Samantha’s speech was entertaining and informative.

Join us for our next meeting on November 9th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm Pacific (-8 UTC). The meeting theme is “Festival of Lights.” In India, one of the most significant festivals is Diwali or the Festival of Lights. It’s a five-day celebration that includes good food, fireworks, colored sand, and special candles and lamps. Have you ever celebrated Diwali or a festival of lights in different cultures? Do you want to know more? Share your stories with us at our November 9th meeting. If you would like to join the club, contact Helen Josephine for an application form.

Register for the meeting:

RSVP on MeetUp to let us know you are coming to the meeting. Guests are always welcome!

Looking forward to hearing your travel stories! Join us to be inspired to take your next trip.

Helen Josephine,

Travel Talkers Toastmasters

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