Travel Talkers Toastmasters–East Asia

At our March 27th meeting we explored traveling to East Asia. Our Travel Topics Master, Helen Josephine, asked us questions about places we had visited in Asia and our favorite Asian food. Samantha has just returned from a trip to Japan where she visited the Sacred Deer Park in Nara. The deer in the park are protected and visitors are encouraged to walk among the animals and feed them. Samantha told us that the deer are very tame and comfortable getting food from humans. Unfortunately the bigger deer are bullies and if you don’t feed them they follow you and head-butt you. Samantha had one deer bite her leg when she was trying to feed the smaller deer. Megan also had a strange encounter with wildlife at the Singapore Airport where she tried a Fish Spa with little fish nibbling on the dead skin on her feet.

Our Destination Master, Jacqueline Maynard-Campbell, gave us these clues for an island nation:

  • This nation is two islands at the conjuncture of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the leward islands part of the Lesser Antilles.
  • The islands were first settled by hunter-gatherer native tribes called the Ciboney and the Caribs.
  • The Islands were colonized by Great Brtiain in 1672 and 1678.
  • The economy is largely dependent on tourism, which accounts for 80% of its GDP.
  • Both of these islands have very irregularly shaped coastlines that are dotted with beaches, lagoons, and natural harbors.

If you guessed Antigua and Barbuda, you are correct!

Kit Myers presented her speech, “It Started at the Shanghai Cafe,” about her first memories of eating Chinese food when she was a child. That first introduction turned into a life-long appreciation of Asian cooking. In particular her family enjoyed making Chinese chicken wings and she shared recipes for several versions of this dish. The slides for her presentation included copies of family recipes and photos of the finished dish.

At our next meeting, we will continue our travels around the world. Join us as we share our adventures about traveling to Southeast Asia on April 4th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Pacific time. We want to hear about your travel and adventure plans.

Guests are always welcome to attend our meetings. If you would like to join the club, contact Helen Josephine for an application form.

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Looking forward to hearing your travel stories! Join us to be inspired to take your next trip.

Helen Josephine,

Travel Talkers Toastmasters

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